Saturday, October 16, 2010

All Sports Weekend

The kids took on new sports this fall. Andrew has been taking swim lessons at the Y since he was two. I will confess I did lie and say he was 3 so he could progress out of the Mommy & Me class early. Shhh!! I was in his best interest though and he did progress quickly through the levels. But, this fall he decided to give soccer a try. His team got off to a slow start but at this weekends final game Andrew scored 2goals!

Sydney also switched sports on us this year. After 3 years of NEO All Star Cheerleading she made the move to gymnastics. With all her tumbling skills the floor exercise came naturally to her but she now had to master the balance beam & uneven parallel bars. Grandpa helped out by constructing the necessary equipment and this weekend she had her first "mini meet". The judges score each gymnasts separately against the standard for their ability level. Sydney is currently a level 3 and received two silver medals on bars & beam and a gold medal on floor exercise. Hooray!

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