Monday, September 08, 2008

Please help!

This year I am serving as president of Friends of Adoptive Families. We are a non profit organization made up of adoptive parents who are committed to improving the lives of orphaned children. I am organizing an Evening at the Races event on Saturday, October 4th and need your help! If you are in the Cleveland area and able to attend please please join us. I would love to have a big table cheering on our favorite horses. If you cannot attend you can still support our cause by purchasing a race horse, program ad or making a donation.

I got involved with FAF several years ago shortly after Andrew joined our family. I was looking for a way to give back to his orphanage. Since then I have been grateful of all the opportunities FAF has given me to visit his orphanage and give back to all this children still waiting.

Our wishlist is always long but this year we hope to raise funds to help medically fragile children receive corrective surgeries and reduce their adoption costs in hopes it will reduce their wait time for a forever family. And continue suppling orphanages with basic need items and playgroup equipment.

If you have a moment check out our website

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