After a few “tall tales” from Captain Don & his wife and we were there. A decent size cove, no bigger than a football field full and of manatees. With only eleven in our group there were plenty of manatees to go around.
In the water we surrounded by these curious and awkwardly graceful creatures. They approached with caution but with a simple scratch they would roll over and let you give them a good belly rub. We watched mothers nursing calves, cows cleaning the anchor lines & boat hull and big bulls just looking for some lovin. A sweet manatee loving named Chester the Molester won our hearts. It is thought that he lost his mother at a young age because he always looking for someone to cuddle with. And it’s no joke he literally wants to spoon with you and suck your neck. Matt and I both got an up-close and personal experience. At one point Chester wrapped his flippers around my waist and nuzzled my chest.
The entire experience was spectacular. The fact that these were wild animals in the natural habitat made it priceless.
To top things off we spotted a pod of dolphin on the way back in.