Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Without family in town we celebrated Thanksgiving a little differently this year. My parents hosted a traditional thanksgiving meal a couple weeks early and then headed to their Florida home along with Angie & David.

Our friends the Wood's hooked us up with the North Canton Church of Christ who serves roughly 2,700 meals on Thanksgiving. So, Sydney & Matt departed early and spent the morning packing up & delivering thanksgiving dinners to area needy families.

Andrew & I watched the parade while preparing a simple dinner & lots of desserts. Later, we accepted the gracious invitation of our neighbors the Napholz's & Triner's to join them for dessert.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Duck Friends

The proper name is Price Park but we call it Duck Park. North Canton has a little community park where hundreds of mallard ducks congregate. They are a pretty friendly bunch and eager to see what treats you have brought along. As winter draws near they surround your car before you even shift into park. Andrew has always enjoyed taking our old bread down to the park. This time he brought along his stuffed duck to play.