Thursday, October 16, 2008

Andrew's First Field Trip

Andrew along with his preschool class took their first field trip to Kingsway Pumpkin Farm. We took a hayride, picked gourds and pumpkins, played in the corn box, visited the farm animals and painted faces.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Evening at the Races

The kids were thrilled to hear Grandma Pam was flying into town on Friday to watch them during Mommy's fundraiser. Thanks Pam for all your help!

After months of hard work my Evening at the Races fundraiser went off without a hitch. A big thank you to my chairpersons & committee members for all your hard work & dedication.

Also a big thank you to my family & friends who attend, I appreciate your support. You always lighten the stress level by giving me a good laugh. This year that was mom & Terri doing jello shots, Bob winning butt paste and Angie & David running in the scavenger hunt.

In the end we raised lots of money for orphaned children around the world.