Boy, the days are just flying by. Before we know it, it will be Christmas. Yesterday, the Napholz's next door held a wonderful little Halloween party. Both the kids & adults had a great time before hitting the road for 2 power hours of trick or treating. Matt chose to stay home & pass out the treats this year. I think he was regretting that decision before the first goblin made it to our door. We decided to pass out popcorn this year and bought one of those old fashion pop corn carts. Unfortunately, it couldn't keep up with the 200 or so kids. Thank goodness my dad was there. He was popping in the microwave and feeding the cart throughout the 2 hours. :) Thanks Dad!
The kids both wanted to be pirates this year. Thankfully, the weather was somewhat decent so we didn't have to layer them up beyond recognition. My mom & I took the kids door to door, Sydney stayed one or two houses ahead of us most of the way. She was trying despretly to keep up with the neighbor boys. Andrew was content being carried between each driveway. The moment his feet hit the ground he recited TickerTreat, TickerTreat over and over until he got his candy.