We took the kids up to the Cleveland Zoo last weekend. Theres nothing like hauling 2 kids bundled up in winter coats, hats & gloves around in the 40 degree weather. But, we all had a good time. Thankfully, many of the animals are housed indoors in the winter so we got to warm up in between. Andrew loved the crocodile and Sydney like the giraffes.
Andrew is really progressing with his verbal skills. I expected more of a delay since he never even heard English for the first year of his life. He is now 23 months old but, right on track saying mama, daddy, thank you, please, nemo, hotdog, fishy, choo choo, no and his favorite, MINE! We put the kids on the scale last night and Sydney is 33 pounds and Andrew is at 25. He is closing in quickly. That boy loves to eat!
Sydney is all registered for kindergarten. I can't beleive she is almost five. She is really looking forward to riding the school bus too. Thankfully, a few other girls from ballet will be on her bus so she will have someone to sit with. I'm sure she will thrive in school. She seems to catch on really quickly and is very social so making friends shouldn't be a problem. I was very pleased with what she has absorbed this year in preschool. She now recognizes & writes all her letters and is putting her name on the back of all her papers. She loves writing it so much its everywhere; in the shower steam, on the side of our dirty car.