Every year I try to give my time to a non profit organization like the All American Soap Box Derby, Ronald McDonald House, American Red Cross. This year I joined a new committee, Friends of Adoptive Families. A non-profit group created to raise money for the orphanages Family Adoption Consultants serves overseas. Essentially, our organization is made up of Northeast Ohio adoptive parents who want to give back to the orphanages who cared for their children. I couldn't think of a better way to say thank you to the men & women who cared for Andrew.
I would like to invite you all to become a part of our 10th annual Evening at the Races. This fundraising event will be held on Friday, October 13, 2006 at the Cleveland Metroplex Sports & Event Center.
Last year we hosted over 400 people and raised $23,500. These funds were used to purchase immunizations, diapers, formula, clothing for Andrew's orphanage and the three others served by FAC. $5,000.00 was put towards the Tomorrow Plan in China, this fund helps pay for surgeries needed by the orphans in that home. In the Philippines a $2000 donation paid for the salary of a child care worker at Concordia Children Services. For the Korea Social Services Home in Korea we purchased an $8,500 industrial gas dryer.
This year, we have a variety of projects that desperately need funds including the purchase of medical equipment, educational materials, playground equipment along with basic supplies like diapers and formula. A detailed list can be supplied upon request.
Tickets are $20 each and include a buffet dinner, and all the beer, wine and pop you can drink. We will be there betting on our favorites, so please join us at our table.
If Warrensville Heights is too far to drive. Maybe you or someone you know would like to donate a raffle prize, purchase an ad in our event program or just make a cash donation. We anticipate over 400 people in attendance at this years event, offering a splendid opportunity for public relations and advertisement. We will acknowledge the contribution in our program book distributed to each guest at the event.
Our program printing deadline is September 22, 2006 so we kindly ask that you respond before then to assure being included in the program.
All of us at Friends of Adoptive Families and Family Adoption Consultants genuinely thank you for your generosity and commitment to all the waiting children.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.