It has been a very busy week. On Monday Sydney & Andrew went to the doctor for their yearly check up's. Andrew was 19 pounds, Sydney was 29, he is quickly gaining on her.
On Tuesday we took the kids for pictures at JC Penney Portraits. I was skeptical since Sydney hasn't cooperated for the camera in months. Surprisingly, she was a ham and Andrew was the ornery one. First off, he is teething big time so we kept a bib on him right up till picture time. The moment we took it off he spit up all over his white shirt. AHHH!! Thankfully, the photographer worked around it but Andrew only let us get a few shots in before he was done posing.
We visited the Henne family on Wednesday. Angel & Brian live about 5 minutes away, their son Alex arrived from Korea the same week as Andrew. Alex & Andrew were born a few days apart and spent time in the KSS orphanage together. The boys played & ate Cheerios together. I am so glad they have each other.