Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Sarasota Jungle Gardens

We stopped off at Sarasota Jungle Gardens yesterday. This little jem was a big hit and quenched Andrew's need to see an alligator. For weeks leading up to our trip he has been telling me how alligators live in Florida. And, yesterday he got to see one up close. He opted not to hold it but was more than happy to give it a little belly rub.

There are not a lot of zoos left who let you interact with the wildlife. Sydney is afraid of birds especially ones bigger than her. So, she was not happy to see the free roaming flamingos.

Nor was she trilled about the over 2 dozen parrots & macaws they have in their rehab center. Andrew chose to be photographed with Fortune, who won our hearts by mimicking just about any tune you could whistle.

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